

I have retired a server and will not be backing it up again. I also want to delete all of its backup data from the DPX Open Storage Server. How can I achieve this?


For Block Backups, if this was the only server in the backup job, you may delete the backup job by selecting “Delete Backup Job” from the Backup screen, check the option “Expire all job instances”, and confirm the deletion. Next, condense the catalog. All backup data will be deleted from the DPX Open Storage Server.

However, if the server was part of a multi-client backup job, simply excluding it from the backup will not delete the base image from DPX Open Storage Server even if all job instances are expired. Please contact Technical Support for freeing up the backup data for this server.

For Agentless Backups, you must expire the job instances manually, condense the catalog, delete the backup job, then condense the catalog again. 

To delete an Agentless Backup Job and its associated DPX backup instances:
  1. Delete the Backup Job
    1. When the Condense finishes, select the Backup tab from the DPX Tab Bar, then click Agentless VMware.
    2. On the task panel, click Delete Backup Job. The Delete Job dialog box opens.
    3. Select one or more backup jobs for deletion from the pull-down list, then click OK.
  2. Condense the Catalog
    1. Select the Catalog tab from the DPX Tab Bar, then click Condense.
    2. Click Run and Monitor. The Catalog condense job runs.
  3. Delete Backup Instances
    1. Select the Catalog tab from the DPX Tab Bar, then click Job Functions.
    2. Sort the job list by Job Name. Select the job instances associated with the job you plan to delete.  Use CTRL-click or SHIFT-click to make multiple selections.
    3. On the task panel, select Expire Catalog Job Options, then click Yes to proceed.
  4. Condense the Catalog again using the procedure described above.