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Knowledge Base - Home
ECX Policy logs empty
Can Developers access ECX CDM operations using command line or APIs?
Which environment and permission requirements are necessary for the ECX CDM SQL Server solution?
Step-by-Step App Consistent Oracle Database Copy Creation (local and remote)
Can I create multiple clones from the same database snapshot?
What Oracle versions are supported and on what OS with the ECX Oracle Solution?
How Can Granular Recovery of Specific PDBs be Performed with the ECX Oracle Solution
What are the Requirements for the Oracle ECX Solution ?
ECX Upgrade to release 2.5 may Result in Unresponsive Appliance
ECX VADP Backups fail after upgrading to vSphere 6.5
What does system defined configuration option in ECX VM restore jobs mean?
SnapShot: Size of manifest file for vm VM_Name is only 450 bytes. Snapshot is considered not application consistent
ECX CDM backup of Oracle database fails with 'database not eligible for copy job'
ECX – Failed to Rescan the hbas – VMware Time Out Settings
Restore NetApp failing with error (NetAppSnapshotNotFoundException).
After removing ECX user jobs fail with error "Your user credentials are not recognized."
Restore of a SQL 2008 Data Base which had transparent data encryption enabled fails.
Online ECX update from ECX 2.6 to ECX 2.7 fails with <open file '<fdopen>', mode 'rb' at (exception)> error
Email notification of job completion not being sent.
Unable to connect to ECX console after 2.5 to 2.6 upgrade
Instant VMDK restore fails with iscsi initiator error
Oracle restore fails with 'cannot be restored to physical server' error.
How to restore VMDK disks that are part of a LVM on the original host
Oracle Point in Time Fails after 2 Hours with error: Remote command execution failed with timeout
Installing ECX Updates using a Docker Proxy for offline update.
How to manually update the self signed SSL certificate in ECX
ECX restore failing with error trying to use FC
Application Restore failure due to mount exception in VSphere.
Protection of VMs fail after moving virtual machines to new vSphere instance.
New Block Backup Job fails with error "Backup target host failed connecting to backup source host"
Cataloging of SVC volumes failing with connection refused error
ECX appliance timezone not correct and jobs not starting at the expected time.
Release Notes for ECX 2.8.0 (build 1030)
How to reset ECX root password
Virtual Machine fails to restore with error: Create VMs: Failed
Block backup to Netapp Storage fails with snap count error.
ECX SQL Backup fails with error: Failed to do snapshot
ECX does not clean up snapshots and expired snapshots remain on the storage systems
Configure LDAP Provider in ECX
Expanding the Root Volume of ECX
What ports need to be opened for ECX
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